Embark on one of the world's most exciting team meetings. Come aboard, hoist the mainsail, learn sailing knots, and more! Bring your team together in a fun and challenging environment with our corporate sailing program. Leave the office behind and head to the seas for a truly memorable corporate event!
duration: 5 HOURS
PROGRAM outline:
Departure from Marina at Keppel Bay
The history of sailing
Safety equipment on board
How to tie sailing knots such as the figure of 8 and bowline knots
How to steer the boat
Common sailing terms used on board
How to furl/unfurl the jib and hoist the mainsail
How to tie a clove hitch
Man overboard procedures
Strength and direction of the wind
Tie a bowline knot
How to use a winch
How to tack and gybe
How to anchor a boat
Different sailing manoeuvres
End off the program with a race
Participants will get a taste of what it's like to be a skipper/captain aboard a 30ft - 45ft sailing cruiser under the guidance of experienced skippers and crew. Upon completion, participants will receive a Discover Sailing Asia certificate of completion!
Maximum of 10 Pax (two groups of 5)
*Capacity subject to Covid-19 restrictions*
For more information, please contact us via email at enquiries@discoversailingasia.com